Heinz Wittenbrink
Understanding the basics of the craft of editing
9:00 - 9:15: Introduction
9:15 – 10:45 Input: Editing as a root of content strategy
11:00 - 12:45: Group work: What is editorial quality?
12:45 – 14:00: Lunch break
14:00 – 15:15: Group work: Line editing
15:15 – 15:30: Break
15:30 – 17:00: Editing and contentstrategy.at
The Elements of Editing: A Modern Guide… book by Arthur Plotnik (Plotnik 1982)
Google search central on editorial quality (“Creating Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content | Google Search Central | Documentation” n.d.), Google Quality Rater Guidelines (Google 2024)
As their content specialists, the more we know about solid editorial practices, the better we can help our clients with the transition to the new world of distributed online publishing.
Kissane (2011) p. 21
Editorial work is so closely related to content strategy that questions about the difference between the two often arise. From the outside, content strategy can look quite a lot like the sort of editing found in magazines and newspapers. The editorial world, and that of publishing in general, has a lot to offer us.
Kissane (2011) p.16
They also need someone to decide how best to communicate it, who should make it, and so on—a sort of combination editor-in-chief and air traffic controller. They need a content strategist.
Kissane (2011) p.1
Those who do content strategy work from within organizations tend to fill roles quite similar to those of a traditional managing editor: they plan and oversee the communication of new themes and ideas, manage schedules, and collaborate with writers and other content producers.
Kissane (2011) p.69
Content strategist at the city of Leoben
Content Strategists: What Do They Do, Anyway? | Intergrowth™
In my experience, it is very easy for brilliant information architects (or UX people who do information architecture) to underestimate the importance of editorial planning, voice and tone, and detailed guidelines for content creation Kissane (2011) p. 59
If you rely on internal experts without a dedicated editor and approval process, you’re courting trouble. Kissane (2011) p. 66
But the truth is, none of these tools can replace a skilled in-house editor. If your client will be creating and managing more than a few dozen pages of content, they’ll need an editor or internal content strategist to keep things running smoothly. Kissane (2011) p. 69
Content creation encompasses writing, illustration, information visualization, metadata and text-equivalent production, and interface writing, and is supported by creative direction and old-fashioned editorial leadership. Kissane (2011) p. 62
The essence of editorial work lies not in style guides and arguments about grammar, but in the ability to cultivate relationships, manage chaos, and serve readers. It’s not a profession to be learned from books, but these three very different takes will help. Kissane (2011) p. 78
But real-world editing is much more about crack organizational skills, a habit of developing practical communication ideas, and the ability to deal firmly and diplomatically with the whole crew of people involved in getting a book, newspaper, or website from concept to delivery. Kissane p. 17
Editors worth their salt work not for writers or publishers, but for readers. Kissane (2011) p. 17
Paradoxically, it’s only by working tirelessly for our readers that we can genuinely serve our clients and employers Kissane (2011) p. 18
Acting as a user advocate doesn’t make you an impractical idealist. As we’ve learned from our editorial colleagues, if your content doesn’t work for the user, you’ve already failed. User advocacy is simply a way of ensuring that a project achieves business goals. • Kissane (2011) p. 47
Whatever corner of the publishing world they come from, editors know how to help other people tell the best, most engaging stories they can tell. Content people with backgrounds in journalism or publishing usually have the basics of storytelling down cold, but the rest of us can learn from the storytelling principles of these fields—from the basics like building a lead that hooks the reader (and supporting it with facts and quotations) to sophisticated techniques for layering in secondary narratives. Kissane (2011) p. 18
Some lines of fair play can be drawn, but lightly. A manuscript’s content … is the author’s province … But the form of the final product–its organization, pace. packaging–is what editors like to think is their speciality. (Plotnik 1982)
Creating Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google Developers (Google Search Central n.d.)
Sentence by sentence, line by line:
Start with line editing one of the unpublished articles in content strategy at! Present the results to the whole group.
Examples: https://www.contentstrategy.at/admin/entries/lectureReports/63587-aesthetic-usability-effect,https://www.contentstrategy.at/admin/entries/lectureReports/81865-the-importance-of-ethics-in-content-strategy